Friday, November 11, 2011

NEW Intake! ASD Parent Training & Support Series 2012 in Petaling Jaya, Selangor

The next intake of the ASD Parent Training & Support Series starts in February, 2012 here in Petaling Jaya, Selangor. We will only be able to take 6 families for this intake. For more information, please click HERE.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Parent Testimonial about the ASD Parent Training & Support Series

Dear Intan:

I am not much of a writer, but I will just tell you in my own words how I feel for the past 2 months. I would prefer my name not be revealed here, a bit shy. However, I definitely can take phone calls from other parents.

When I first joined this parent training programme 2 months ago, I had already passed the stage of denial and depression, and was very hopeful about going all out to help my son.

As I learned more, I was amazed that so much can be done! I feel like I am slowly reaching out to him and we have more interaction. More interaction goes hand-in-hand with more learning. In the past, it had been difficult for him to learn effectively. Even the more basic skills like natural eye contact (referencing), or responding to me calling his name was difficult, which is very common for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

I will not deny that all the progress so far needed (and still needs) lots of hard work, I have to say the ANDI Initiative parent training programme is providing a means for me to go into his world and engage him in various activities and subsequently promote learning .

There is a tangible improvement in terms of my son's imitation skills and speech. I understand that to catch up in those delays in developmental milestones is a long process, and sometimes could take years rather than these few months. A more important achievement that I notice in him is his willingness to learn, and his involvement with more variety of play, and occasionally his pleasure when engaging in proper activities.

Last but not least, I have to say this wouldn't be possible without you, Intan. Thank you so much.


(Parent of 3-year-old, Kuala Lumpur, currently in ASD Parent Training 2011 Intake 2)

For more info on this parent training programme, click HERE. For more Parent Testimonials, click HERE.
